Next Thursday, April 28th, will take place in the framework of the European project SPEY (Sport for the Prevention of Extremism in Youth), led by the UFEC, the workshop ‘Violent extremism and sport’ in the Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Education of the University of Córdoba (c / San Alberto Magno, s / n.).
The activity, open to everyone with free registration, aims to be a forum for analysis around the intersection between violent extremism and sport. With the presence of different experts and institutions, there will be an update and exchange on the prevention of violent extremism through sport, emphasizing youth and vulnerable groups, the role of cities and civil society, the supranational perspective, as well as security at major sporting events and shows.
Program of the workshop
The event will begin at 10 am with a brief presentation of the workshop, which will give way to the first round table of the day: ‘Sport as a resource for the primary prevention of violent extremism’, with the participation of José María Martín Criado, from the coexistence and equality service of the Ministry of Education and Sport of Andalusia; Juan de Dios Benítez-Sillero, of the Department of Specific Didactics of the University of Córdoba (UCO); Juan Calmaestra, from the Department of Psychology at the UCO; and Azahara Blanco, from Guadalquivir Secondary School. This table will be moderated by Marta Domínguez, director of UCODEPORTE.
The second table ‘Sports federations for the improvement of coexistence and the prevention of violent extremism’ will be led by the president of the UFEC, Gerard Esteva; and the president of the Andalusian Confederation of Sports Federations (CAFD), Alfonso Escribano. It will be moderated by Milena de Murga, creator of the SPEY project and director of the Department of Social and International Projects at the UFEC.
Afterwards, the SPEY project will be presented by some of its leaders and protagonists. In this table will take part Milena de Murga; Neus Arnal, educator and researcher of the project; Roberto M. Lobato, analyst at the Marbella International University Center; and Daniel Mateu, researcher and analyst at the University of Córdoba.
After the lunch break, the round table ‘Violent extremism and sport: a supranational perspective’ will be organized at 15:30 with the presence of Julio Andrade, director of the International Training Center for Authorities and Leaders of Málaga; Luis Macua, researcher and analyst; and Manuel Moyano, a researcher in the Department of Psychology at the UCO.
Finally, the event will close with the conference ‘Terrorism and sport’ by Carlos Igualada, director of the International Observatory on Terrorism Studies (OIET). It will be presented by the President of the Social Council of the UCO, Fransico Muñoz Usano.
The event is open to everyone and registration is free, with a deadline of April 24th. Capacity is limited to 70 attendees, in strict order of registration. The organization will issue a certificate of attendance and will offer breakfast and lunch to all spectators. Registration at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSds9HrXcBcuvv0oiJqlxkEZHNyU1qZsQbKYII36bX_4dHFFxQ/viewform
About the SPEY project
The SPEY project (Sport for the Prevention of Extremism in Youth) started in February 2020 led by the Union of Sports Federations of Catalonia. The project, co-financed by the European Commission, has a duration of 30 months, and has the support of 7 countries and 9 ‘partners’, including the Confederation of Sports of Sweden, the Union of Federations of Latvia, the International Council of Sport and Physical Education of Germany, the City Council of Gondomar of Portugal, the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Greece, the French ‘think tank’ Sport and Citizenship, and the University of Córdoba.