
"When I’m older, I want to achieve my dream of becoming a Paralympic coach''

Yuneisa is 16 years old and is from Barcelona. Her mother and 13 year old brother have recognized disabilities.

She did not complete her ESO studies, so for that reason the Bisbe Berenguer Institute proposed that she sign up for INSERsport.

When she started the course, she worried that she would fail. However, she is now very proud of herself as she has realized that she is a tenacious, responsible and committed girl.

There have been ‘before’ and ‘after’ stages within INSERsport, especially regarding Yuneisa’s personal experience

Marina Garcia, Yuneisa’s educational psychologist and teacher at the Bisbe Berenguer Institute, explains how she overcame her lack of motivation thanks to the INSERsport program.

‘Enfutbola’t. Football for Everyone’

The Premià de Dalt football field hosted the first day of ‘Enfutbola’t’, organized by the Catalan Private Football Foundation in collaboration with UFEC, aimed at players with some kind of physical or mental disability.

This day was made possible thanks for more than 40 volunteers, participating completely altruistically, among which there were INSERsport participants.

L’esport és un canal per arribar a la població; apostem perquè l’esport arribi a tots els col·lectius

El dia 12 de juliol es va celebrar la taula rodona ‘L’esport com a element d’inclusió social i laboral’, moderada per Maite Fandos, diputada de Benestar Social de la Diputació de Barcelona, en la qual van participar el president de la UFEC, Gerard Esteva, i Yuneisa Jiménez, entre els dos dels joves del programa INSERsport 2017.

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