A warm welcome from our President

It's my pleasure to welcome you to this latest Sports Federation Union of Catalonia website.

Over the years, our website has become an effective tool for reaching out to everyone who is passionate about sport. We're very happy to have embarked on this journey and to now have an improved, responsive and clean-cut platform that better highlights our services and the values we have to offer in the world of sport.

We're aiming to make our news regarding Catalan organised sports much more visible. Organised sports seldom receive the media coverage they deserve, despite them happening all around us, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Through our website, you can also learn about our history, the services we offer to sports federations and the activities we carry out on a daily basis to make sports in Catalonia as successful as possible.

Thank you for visiting our site and please don't hesitate to contact us if we can assist you in any way.

Gerard Esteva i Viladecans
President de la Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya

What is it we do?

We unify and represent Catalan sports federations and organised sports in Catalonia.

We collaborate closely with the Government. (Generalitat)

We are an advisory body for the Generalitat de Catalunya.


We discuss and resolve issues that affect sports in Catalonia as a whole.

We're a training organisation for sports education.

More information
The Catalan Union of Sports Federations was founded in 1933 with Pompeu Fabra as President.

Three years later, in 1936, its activities were abruptly brought to a close due to the start of the Spanish civil war.

The Generalitat created the Sports Federation Union of Catalonia by decree after democracy was restored in 1985.
Legal Framework
Legislative Decree 1/2000, of 31 July, through which the Sports Laws are approved.

Decree 58/2010, of 4 May, of Catalonia's sport entities.

Decree 55/2014, of 29 May, which modifies Decree 58/2010, of 4 May, of Catalonia's sports entities.

Statutes of the Sports Federation Union of Catalonia.
Board of Directors
Sr. Gerard Esteva i Viladecans
Sra. Mercè Rosich i Vilaró
Sr. Benjamí Pons i Ciurana
Sr. Maria Isabel Zamora Gómez
Sr. Xavier Adell i Salvatella
Sr. Xavier March i Mateu
Sr. Carles Muñoz i Vázquez
Sr. Ferran Aril i Duràn
Sra. Kira Menén i Balaguerò
Sra. Susanna Martínez i Martínez
Sr. Francina Guardiola Flix
Sra. Mª Dolors Luna i Santana
Sr. Jesús Pérez
Sr. Juan Carlos Ramos
Sr. Ramón Nogué i Audinis
Sr. Ignasi Planas i Rivas
Sr. Ramon Bosch i Dalmau
Sr. Joan Soteras i Vigo
Sra. Isabel Pérez i Espinosa

The publication and entry into force of a Decree by the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia no. 196/85 on 15th July, which regulates the creation of the Union of Catalan Sports Federations, represents a new step in the structuring and regulation of federated sport in Catalonia, with full autonomy and decision-making capacity.

The long road started in 1981 with a Decree on 13th April and the Order of 21st September, regulating the establishment and operation of the Catalan Federations of Sport, along with full legal personality, made necessary to connect with the recovery of a singular Catalan institution that already existed even before the creation of political and administrative management of the sport.

We refer to the Union of Catalan Sports Federations, set up three years before the Government established the Commissariat of Sports by decree in August 1936 Today it is good to remember the meeting that was held in July 1933 that formed the Union of Catalan sports federations, which then belonged to the eighteen existing sports federations in Catalonia at that time. It is well known that under its first Council President, Pompeu Fabra, a few years later, on 17th July 1934, it was declared an official corporation of the Government of Catalonia Union of Catalan Sports Federations.

Please note that the files below are only available in Catalan at this moment in time.